Gramma's Bentos!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Walk Down Memory Lane #4

YAYYY! Double post! =P Nah, I thought I'd get these things out of the way coz I want to have more current things to blog about instead of dwelling on the past. Mom is still in denial, but a doggy's got to do what a doggy does. So, here is another stroll down the Memory Lane of Scottie the umm, former 'Cutie'...heh.

This time around, Mom got me another outfit. A baseball jersey to be exact. Boy, do I look nice in it! Sadly, I outgrew it within weeks....=( Mom was very sad, but hey. It also means I get more outfits! hee...

Boy, I sure do think I look spiffy....and if you look closely, you'll be able to spot that my beard's starting to turn yellow...=( Still, it's not as bad as it is now.

A little side profile angle...*grins*

Here is also around the time that I'm graduating from my Puppy and Basic Obedience class that I have attended for 10 weeks. Mom and Gramma were so proud of me, they've made me a graduation hat! The fun thing was, the hat matches the outfit perfectly...I love it so much!

Posing very nicely and seriously like a proper graduate would...*grins*

Here I am with Mom on my graduation day! It was a very cool event where we have all the doggies who are graduating come together with their owners to get our certificates and some goodies! Mom didn't manage to take many pictures of me though, as I was too busy fidgeting around trying to make new friends. She had to carry me so that I can be still for this picture. Oh, and for some reason, I found the hat a bit tiresome when I'm sniffing other doggies. I tried to get it out of the way...Almost did though! But Mom made sure it stayed on for my time to get my 'scroll'. How?

By carrying me again! See, I was trying to get hold of the yummy dog food that we were given. The lady smelled awfully nice too...she said I was SOOO adorable coz I was in the graduation hat and all...hee.


3 paws to this post!:

Dandy Duke said...

You look so studious in your graduation cap, Scottie! You're sure cute!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Harrison said...

Good evenin', Scottie, nice to meet ya'--and welcome to bloggin'. There are lots of bloggin' dogs out there now, but when I started four years ago there weren't so many.

Actually I'm a political bloggin' dog, so ya' won't see bunches of pictures of me and my pack. And since AHM and me are house huntin' at the moment, she doesn't have time to do a lot of postin' for me.

You're a handsome guy--is your mom considerin' show biz for ya'? It's fun stuff, plus ya' get lots of treats and pictures and even a spot or two on ESPN if ya' smooze the reporters just right.

Good luck with your blog. I'll be addin' ya' to my blogroll.

billiejean said...

Nice meeting you too.. you look so handsome in your graduation attire!