Gramma's Bentos!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Introducing Kenji!

Hola amigos!

The name's Kenji...and very nice to meet your acquaintance. I'm sorry that Scottie can't be here...he's a bit distracted and uhh, got more 'pressing' matters on paw. So, Aunty Audrey asked me to write in his blog, since Lady got her share of meeting so many cool friends.

What's there to know about meself? Hmm...let's see:
  • I'm a short coat Chihuahua
  • I am 13 months old
  • I'm owned by Aunty Audrey's'll see her in a bit
  • I love getting the upper hand of Scottie...nyeheh! Size doesn't matter, baby! *wink*
  • I hate cold places, hence the uhh...most embarassing photo put up on Scottie's blog. What can I say? I need some warmth and lovin'...
  • I may be small in stature, but I'm big in voice...I can outbark Scottie any day. *puffs chest*

So, enuff about 'bout some of them pictures,yes?

This is me up close and personal...My Mom says I look like the pups in this webpage. Heh!

Here's my Mom and I! Don't we look awfully good together? I'm such a handsome boy...heh!

Look! We even have the same smile! *grins*

Oops...sorry about that, wrong picture! But then, here is my Mom and Scottie's Mom. Do you think they look alike? I say my Mom's prettier...*grins*

Ahh...let me fill you in on a little secret why Scottie isn't available at this time. Y'see, there's been a guest in our house yesterday, and Scottie just can't keep his eyes (and paws) off our guest...Not only that, I got the worst treatment ever! *sigh* Here is a picture of us during the better times.

I guess this picture explains pretty much what I wanted to say, no? Notice a lil' guy at the cage in the back of the picture?? How can they EVER do this to me! I'm a member of the house, not some vermin you put in a cage! Plus, this 'guest' doesn't like me at all for some reason...she snapped at me when I tried to say hello and sniff her booty....Hmmph!

This is me during my ever-trying days...Oh dear, how long will I have to stand this??!!

I am so, SO disappointed in Scottie...I thought we were BROTHERS!

Okay, okay...I'll stop with the whining. Aunty Audrey wants me to say THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH for all the kind wishes and compliments on her graduation. She is so flattered that so many people wished her well on her big day. She's still working on that surprise thingy that Scottie talked about in his last post though, so I guess that graduation post will have to wait....still, thank you everyone! =)

Ooh...Scottie got another award! On behalf of Scottie, we'd like to thank Princess Isis for the wonderful gesture! Scottie sure is getting big-headed nowadays, getting all those awards and stuff...too big-headed in fact, that I think I'll teach him a thing or two about tooting his own horn. Heh! Nah, just kidding....he's my big bro' after all. =)

This award can be re-passed, but since he's not here right now, I'll let him do the passing thing when he gets uhh...less distracted. Thank you once again, Isis!

Wokay, I guess that's about it from me....I suppose Scottie will let you in on what's happening with him and his 'distraction' later on. I'll be back too, so don't you dare forget me! *wink*


10 paws to this post!:

Noah the Airedale said...

Hi Kenji, it's good to meet you. You and Scottie look cute together.


Ben & Darling said...

Hi Kenji, you are sooooooooo cute!!!!!! poor kenji kena jail hah!! Me too, hooman are evil!!.

slurpy licks,

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Hello Kenji, you're such a sweety cutie pie. You're and your mom both are pretty and look so lovely together. Mine is not great, I'm handsome but my mom is beautiless.
Hey, I miss you Scottie!

Asta said...

It's so vewy nice to meet cewtainly awe bootiful, I love youw does look like youw pwetty Mommi's ..I'm sowwy Scottie wasn't nice to you....I hope you come and visit againsmoochie kisses

Dandy Duke said...

Nice to meet you, Kenji! We love that picture of you and your mom smiling for the camera! Your mom and Scottie's mom do look very much alike! They're both very pretty moms!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber-Mae said...

Hi Kenji! Nice to meet cha! You & Scottie must be good friends ha?

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Lizzy said...


It's grrrrEAT to meet ya, man! You are pretty cute indeed, and I must say, I love that picture of you and your human smiling together! That's a pawesome shot!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Kenji!
Nice to meet you amigo!
You, your Mom, Scottie and his mom are beautiful... and handsome!
So sorry about being in jail!
Congratulations on the award!
Kisses and hugs

Juno said...

Hello & nice to meet you, Kenji!!!

You're so cute. Our human grandma has had many Chihuahuas and one of them looked identical of you. (Her name was Mary and she was adorable like yourself!) We're looking forward to seeing your update as well.

Momo & Pinot

Unknown said...

wow....2 pretty moms and 2 handsome boys...sure make many green with envy out there.....