Gramma's Bentos!

Friday, November 28, 2008

More Christmas Cards & Pups

Hi everyone!

How do you like the new look for my blog? Mom went crazy with it coz she had quite some free time now that her work thingy is done and she's waiting for her new project to start. Since we don't have snow in Malaysia, she thought that we should have a snow theme for Christmas...LOL! How ironic!

Well, enough about that...I got 2 more e-cards this morning! Let's have a look, shall we?

Here's one from Cayman...he looks so regal here! Love the card, Cayman! Thanks so much!

This adorable card is from Ezzy and Jagger! Love the antler headbands...*grins*


As promised, here are some photos from Mom's last visit to see the pups...unfortunately, there seems to be some sort of scuffle between Mom and Jettie's owner about who gets which pup. =( I don't know what it is, and Mom doesn't want to talk about it coz she said she will start spewing less-than-savoury words if she does, and she doesn't want this blog to be 'tainted' with bad memories so....*sigh*

Oh well, what's done is done I guess. I'm still the pup's dad, so...hehe!Here are the highlights from the visit (I didn't get to go AGAIN this time! *pouts* Mom said that I shouldn't go coz the pups have not been vaccinated yet and she doesn't want me bringing unwanted 'germs' into Jettie's house...Huh? I don't get that germs thing! I'm all clean as such! Hmmph!):

My beloved Jettie...I wonder if we'll see each other again now that our Moms have stopped speaking to each other. =(

You'll probably notice this photo is the brightest one of all, coz Mom used flash in her camera for this one. She didn't use the flash in the rest of the photos coz she's afraid it would scare and hurt the pups' eyes. This one's okay coz their backs are turned, and they're all focusing on getting all the milk...=)
Mom said they're six weeks old now, so I guess they're starting to be weaned off their Mom's milk.

After the bowl was clean, there's still some pups left licking the entire bowl...LOL! How greedy!

...and after eating a hearty meal, they all fell asleep. Awwww!

Scroll down for some photos of the individual pups...sorry they are so blurry! Mom's camera skills are very bad:

These few photos at the bottom were taken before their meal, and Mom wanted to get their attention so she jingled a bunch of keys to get them all crowding at this side of the playpen...hehe!

Sorry I couldn't provide captions for the it is, we don't know which ones we will (or will not) be getting, so Mom doesn't want to 'rub more salt into the wound', as she puts it. Hope you enjoyed looking at the photos of these cute pups! I hope they will find good homes regardless of what happened between Mom and Jettie's Mom....*crosses paws*


25 paws to this post!:

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Sorry to see there are 'khustardy' issues -

Nice remodel of your blog!

I'll be sure to share my snow with woo since we MIGHT get more Sunday night/Monday!


Bae Bae said...

Oh your blog look so Christmasy & pawsome. ;)
The puppies are so cute.. They look so tiny.. Are they the same size as me?

~ Bae

Lacy said...

w00f's Scottie, how cute the puppies iz..mayb things wil work out ok wiff ur mama and jetties cards ya got..

b safe,

The Musketeers said...

Great job with the blog layout ! Aww ~ look at the little ones! so cutee !

Boo Casanova said...

omdog, the pups are sooooooo super cute! i wonder if it's bcoz they have a handsome gene father? lol

wet wet licks


Simba and Jazzi said...

The puppy's are sooooo cute.

Simba x

Aki and Poopie said...

oh scottie, *hug* we are sorry to hear about the little problem between the humans. we do hope things get better on account that Christmas is coming closer.

Your Bloggie is so lovely. We dont have snow here in the Philippines, too and we sure enjoy the "snow" in your blog.. hehe.

As for your pups, they are all so adorable. Manang is reminded of Prof. Heinz, bec. they have the same color.

Wishing you all the best and hope your mum and wifey's mum get to fix whatever miscommunications they have.

we are rooting for you buddy!

drooly kisses,


Cassidy said...

oooh, your bloggy does look very festive!

Cassidy x

Faya said...

Ohhhhh aaaaaahhhhh iiiiiiihhhhh....this is the only "words" my Véronique was saying by looking at those pictures. They are all so cuuuuuuute !
Kisses, Faya

Moco said...

Love your new background. It is very festive.
The pups are very cute. Hopefully the moms can figure out what is what before they are ready for furever homes.

Kess And Her Mama said...

I loooveee the new Christmas look. Your mum is really clever. My mum is still figuring out how to add the Christmas embellishments to the Christmas card! Duh..

The pups are cute. Hope things work out in the end.

Anonymous said...

Puppy Christmas cards are a fantastic idea. I think personal cards are the future and I have been browsing the customisable cards at to send to my relatives this year. I want to add messages to them that tell my family just how much they mean to me.

Duke said...

We love the snowflakes on your blog, Scottie! It's so festive!
Those puppies are just adorable! Mom wants to hold one and smell his puppy breath!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Hi, Scottie!
Sorry they had a problem!
I hope you get to see Jettie soon again!
The puppies are adorable!
Kisses and hugs

PS Your blog looks pawesome!

White Dog Blog said...

The blog makeover is gorgeous! I love the snow theme...we don't get snow very often in Albuquerque New Mexico, either but the background is pretty.

Your babies are beautiful and have different personalities! I hope they all grow up in happy, loving homes where they are loved as much as you are!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Isn't it fun that the cards are starting to come? I have never gotten a Christmas card before!
Those are super cute pups!

April said...

What cute puppies you have, Scottie! I'm so sorry there's a problem about who gets what puppies. Love the new look of your blog!


April said...

What cute puppies you have, Scottie! I'm so sorry there's a problem about who gets what puppies. Love the new look of your blog!


the many Bs said...

hi Scottie, your bloggy design looks great. your mom is really good at this stuff. we like it.

those pups are adorable! we think they are incredibly cute. we didn't know that you were the dad. that's very exciting. we hope that your mom will bring one home to live with you. we hope that your mom and Jettie's mom can resolve their differences long enough for you to get one of your children.


Dewey Dewster said...

Wow Scottie...

What darling kids ya have.....Gram just loves pups....'n yers are just beatuiful....sorry about the's best ta settle on all that before the actual matin' takes place....but we're sure ya will work it ya may have one comin' home ta stay with ya????? that will be interestin' fer yer holiday snow blog theme....very festive....

Dewey Dewster here....

Latte said...

Hi Scottie,

Please tell you mum the blog-skin is awesome - really captures the Christmas mood.

Are those your puppies? So sorry to hear about the unpleasantness your mum has to go through.

Well, with 2 paws together, I pray that all the pups will find caring, gentle and loving pawrents. That'll be their best Christmas gift ever!

Amber-Mae said...

Nice new look! And the puppies sure are growing up fast! Too bad you weren't allowed to go close to them...

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Isis said...

sister is practically squealing she wants a pup so bad! Schnauzer pups schnauzer pups! her favorite! Hopefully she'll be mailing my cards out this week!

L said...

Those puppies are sooooo cute! We just want to lick them.

We love the winter background on your blog. It's warm here too.

Thanks much for you beautiful Ecard.
Comet and BLU

Georgeous said...

Scottie, your new crimbo ice blog is twuely pawsome! we love it.
I hope your Mum sorts out which of your pups she can have without anymore upset, they all look cute though.