Gramma's Bentos!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Just When We Thought All Was Good...

...something not-so-good happens. Just a few days ago, Kenji became unwell and he wasn't his usual annoying self...all he does is lie around (mostly on his side) and he became very defensive and wouldn't let most people touch him (except for Mom and Aunty Vivian). They noticed his neck has been swollen and rushed him to the veterinary hospital.Aunty Vivian said they did X-rays for him, but couldn't seem to find anything wrong with his neck (except that one of the bones in the neck area seems to be a bit impacted compared to the others, but the vet mentioned that it might not be causing the swollenness) and just asked the humans to monitor him for any changes. The funny thing is, this swollen neck thing didn't happen at the hospital, but only at home! Poor Kenji...he looks so sad and miserable that Aunty Vivian is bringing him to another vet for a second opinion.

We'd like to ask for good vibes that Kenji will get better quickly...he can't seem to breathe well or eat much, and Mom notices that whenever he does eat (really soft food like rice and banana as reccommended by the vet), his neck would get swollen too...this made her think that could it be him having a sore throat, or tonsilitis (do doggies have tonsils in the first place? o.O") but I guess we will know after the second vet's visit. It's quite worrying to see him like this, so we'd also appreciate any advice from whomever have experienced this or know anything about this....


15 paws to this post!:

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Sorry -

We khan't help with advice BUT I'll khross my pals fur Kenji -


Moco said...

We will do a Circle of healing vibes for Kenji. Get well soon.

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh dear,we hope Kenji is ok. Sending aire-zen xxx

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Eric said...

oh no.. wishing Kenji all the best and get well soon ok!

was kenji attacked or something?

Diana Chiew said...

Our humans learned something...dogs do get sore throat too! Minnie was not herself and has refused food. We took her to the vet and the vet said she has sore throat! Her neck wasn't swollen though. She vomitted and has been lying down most of the time. The vet gave her some antibiotic and told us to give her some barley water.

Thor and Jack said...

Get well soon, Kenji. Paws crossed here, pal.


Duke said...

We're sending lots of AireZen Kenji's way! We're sorry we can't help on any advice.

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Oskar said...

We will be sending prayers & good thoughts to your Kenji!

I hope he is back to his old self soon!

Oskar said...

We checked & found this article. I hope it helps!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Scottie!
I have my paws crossed for Kenji!
I hope the other Vet will find what is happening with him and will give him the right treatment!
Yes. My doggie cousin suffers sore thoat very often.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Faya said...

Poor Kenji. Our paws and fingers are crossed here for Kenji.
Kisses, Faya, Dyos & Véronique

JD and Max said...

Poor little Kenji - we hope you feel better soon. We're sending our healing schnauzer vibes your way and will be thinking of you every day. I'm afraid we don't have any first-paw experience of this so can't offer any practical advice. But we hope you update soon with good news - get well soon buddy, the cirle of paws are here for you out in the blogosphere.

Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

White Dog Blog said...

Scottie, we are sending healing energy and positive thoughts to Kenji. Please help mom and auntie stay calm so that Kenji doesn't sense their worry. I know you will be patient with the upset to routine as attention is focused on getting the little guy back to health...because you are a VERY smart and good boy!

Unknown said...

Oh no! I"m so sorry to hear about Kenji!! Am sending lots of healing slobbers and hope they find out what is wrong with him so they know how to help him get better soon!

Honey the Great Dane

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Not my Kenji, the pup with big innocent eyes that captured my mom's heart.
I googled about swollen neck as soon as I read this post, infection? toothache? immu system?
I send you my positive healing power and love, ok sweet Kenji.
You're so special to my mom, I have not seen her in that panic state!
Get well soon, my Kenji, muahhh!