Gramma's Bentos!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Walk Down Memory Lane #5

Hello everyone!

I wanted to post some recent stuff, but Mom's camera's batteries died...*sigh* So, in the view of recharging the batteries, I shall bring you on one last stroll down Memory Lane...=)

This time, Mom got quite a deal when she bought more outfits for me at a discounted price! I am at a fashion show! Introducing...model Scottie! *grins*

Me and a Scottish-ish outfit....get it? Scottie, Scottish? (Mom: -________-")

Showing off the outfit properly...

Ooh...Hawaii outfit! I love basking at the beach!

Mom says I look like a pimp here, with my 'chest hair' out and that silly smile....what's a pimp?! outfit fit for a (read outfit word)! *wink*

Because I'm such a prince (read: celebrity), I should have people take photographs and shake hands with me!

Introducing Model Kenji! Oops...he seems to be unprepared! =P

There we go! He's ready for his time with his fans now....*wink*

Sk8er / surfer boy on the loose! haha!

What choo lookin' at? Wanna fight?

And that concludes the end of our little stroll down the Memory Lane of Scottie the 'Cutie'! I do hope you have enjoyed yourselves looking at these pictures while Mom indulges herself in some melancholic moods. Will give you more up-to-date news on how my obedience class graduation exam will be like soon! (Can you believe it? It's on tomorrow! I'm doing all fine, but Mom is shaking...) Till then...


3 paws to this post!:

erin said...

You're off to a great start with your blog so I gave you an award on my blog. Go check it out!

Duke said...

You guys have the cutest clothes! We love your Scottish plaid outfit, Scottie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Laurie, Woo's Editor said...

Hey Scottie, Thanks for dropping by our WoozaPalooza. Woo says you really are a cutie.
I had a min. Schnauzer when I was a kid, so I feel inclined to agree with her. I enjoy reading about your obedience training too.