Oh dear...another long-delayed post! Today is also Mom's birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOM!! *big sloppy wet kisses*), so she says she's taking a bit of time to help me write since it's been AGES and I've got more stuff to share! *grins* So, here goes another event that I got to attend about 2 weeks ago:
Yup, I guess you've already known about it from the blog title! *wink* It's the annual Dogathon organized by a local university here to raise funds for the well-being of animals as well as being a platform for doggie lovers to gather and have fun =)
Mom's camera holding certainly needs some work...she wanted to capture me and the people behind us (there were SOOOO many!) but the people got cut off. LOLLL!
Let's go, Mom! I want to meet some doggie friends!
And meet them we did...the first group of doggies I met were quite diverse *wink* We had fun sniffing and greeting each other...heh!
We got a 'butt-sniffing train' going on too...LOLL!
Mom also helped out with Aunty Yen's booth to sell
furrenz.com's tags so I got to chill and meet other doggies who came with their owners to buy the cool tags! See the number of human legs and doggies around? They're literally like a sea of humans and dogs! *grins* Mom said at the end of the day, there was an announcement from the organizers...they had broken a their own, as well as a Malaysian record for having the most number of doggies gathered in one day. Guess how many of us were there?
1100 doggies!! Awesome, isn't it??

And what is a Dogathon without an actual marathon with dogs, right? Hehehehe...there was again a sea of people going to run their hearts out with their furkids! Mom didn't join this coz she said she will pass out if she tried to even run 1km (the marathon was about 3km). LOLLL! There were plenty of other games too like the "Master Hunt", where the doggies were put in a maze, and just by hearing the sound of their human's voice, they have to maneuver out of the maze...awesome eh? Mom wanted to let me try that but I wouldn't hear of it...I hate mazes! >.<"
We did get to try out a game called "Mummy-Go-Round" (the theme of this year is Egypt, so every game has something to do with Egypt!), which is like a Musical Chair with a twist...coz we play it with our humans :) We didn't win sadly, but it was fun! And after that, I got to meet more doggies too, like this cute Min. Schnauzer buddy! *grins*
And here's a cool gathering of the three different sized Poodles! The Standard, Mini, and Toy Poodles all together...how often do you see that, right? *wink*
After walking around for a bit, it's time for Mom to go back and help out at the booth again, so I chilled (with my ugly and wet beard) and scored some treats too!
Meeting new friends at the booth was a blast...you never know who you're going to meet. This one time I met this cute Jack Russell dude and when he saw Mom holding the camera to snap photos of him...
He ran straight towards her to get a close-up! LOLL! Mom loves this cute photo of his nose...*grins*
Chilling out is lots of work too...I need to make sure that people come to the booth with my 'handsome' looks. LOLL! So, Mom gave me some snacks courtesy of the other people having booths there. There were SOOO many goodies when the day ended. We got home and checked...how much did we get, you say?
How about these for size? *wink* The sausage thingy on the top left were bought by Mom, but the rest of the treats, chews, toys and samples were given out free to everybody who attended the Dogathon! Score!!
I wanted to get to the treats pronto, but Mom made me pose first...GRRR! We didn't really have much use for the kibble samples since we're on the raw diet, but the treats and chews, I LOVE! More on that later...*grins*
Kenji wanted in on the treats too, so he had to have a picture first before he was given a treat...heh!
And that's about it for my Dogathon post...I wished I had more photos of the booths and the games, but Mom was busy collecting goodies from the booths that she didn't have enough hands to take photos. LOL! Remind me to get a better photographer next time...*wink*