Gramma's Bentos!

Monday, August 2, 2010

When Scottie Meets Some Cute Girls....

Ooh,check out that cute girl there...Oops! Sorry, I get all obsessed when I'm outside. Yes, I'm at a park. FINALLY!

Mom brought me out over the weekend to Desa Park City, a friendly neighborhood that allows us doggies to roam around....check out the scenery behind me! I SO wish I could live here...*grins*

Oh yes, there are also lots of other doggies around, but this time around it's a mini gathering between some of us Min. Schnauzers! This is Miki...Mom snapped this photo from afar, so you can really tell that she needs a lot of work in photographing doggies. Heh!

Here are some other doggies that I met too...there's Sherry (the cutie in the pink shirt), and a tiny Shih Tzu pup that Mom didn't get her name from, coz she just sauntered near us and proceeded to get cuddles from everyone she meets!

Here's Poppy with Sherry and the Shih Tzu pup...they are so lucky to be able to roam freely without their leashes. Mom apparently doesn't trust me enough to play nice, so she keeps a long leash on me...

Like so...hehehe! As a result, we all got into a sniffing fest *grins*

And then, Pepper and her family joined us too! Her Mom was really generous and handed out her homemade treats to every was DELISH! I got to try a sushi treat, and some cheesy treats....*licks lips*

Cheeky Miki thought she might score more treats by staying close to Pepper's Mom...heh!

The pups and I...*grins*

And then we got to watch Pepper fly by us when she ran with her Mom...everyone's happy for her coz she got better from her sickie last week. Now she's fit as a fiddle again...*grins*

That's not all folks! The humans decided to have dinner at a dog-friendly restaurant nearby called La Castle Cafe, and they have this cool space for us to play in!

The girls proceeded to have loads of fun with each other (at this point, I noticed I was the only boy there...*grins* I'm the biggest thorn amongst the roses! *wink*) so Mom's slow fingers couldn't get any nice photos of them....

Case in point....hahahaha!

Better shot of the play time, but I got bored of Mom's snapping and went to have a good sniff....lots of interesting smells! I wanted to leave a pee-mail, but Mom got me out before I could do it...pfft! Spoil sport!

I think Pepper got tired at this she rested a while =)

Mom didn't want me to cause any trouble so she shifted me to one of the chairs...with an absolutely comfortable cushion on top! With leopard print on it! *grins* This is what happens when the flash becomes too much for a doggie's eyes...LOL!

To make me behave myself more, Mom tried to bribe me with more of Pawsome Treat House's cheesy tarts....of course, I'd had to do this boring-est trick first. Loved the taste of it all...and the packaging was super cute too! Mom was so silly that she ripped the pack open before taking a photo...LOLL! Oh well, more treats for me! *grins*

Then, we were joined by Fatty & Ally and their Dad too! Mom didn't manage to snap a nice photo of them, but here are some other great photos from Pepper's Mom...I think the photos speak for themselves! So much so that Mom thinks she might need a new camera to get nicer photos...*roll eyes* Doesn't she know she needs lessons first?

Here are some other great photos from Uncle Eric (Fatty & Ally's Dad) showing the pups and their parents!

Well, I guess that's about it for my once-in-a-blue-moon outing! I SOOO hope I get to go out more often! *crosses paws* I promise to be very good if we go out every week, Mom...pretty please? *shows puppy eyes*


P/S: Thanks again for all the kind wishes for Kenji...he's already back to normal, but doctors can't seem to find anything wrong with him. My guess is he's a freak of nature or he's got some nasty bite from an unknown source that went away after a few days...the humans were told to keep an eye out for him, but he's pretty much back to his annoying self again! I don't know if I should be happy or annoyed...heh! 

22 paws to this post!:

Duke said...

You sure did get to hang out with lots of cute girlies, Scottie!
We're glad to hear that Kenji is back to his old self!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Sonic said...

That's a lotta friends running around out there! It looks like so much fun!


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

What a wonderfur day at the park, Scottie.
I saw that you were so happy and content among those beautifur girls, you were the one and only prince in that Min. Schnauzers Kingdom.
Eat, love, and play, you had them all in one day, oh I'm so jelly.
Wher's my mom's baby Kenji? She misses his smile!

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

What a fun day you had - and you looked fantastic while you were enjoying it.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

Winnie Woo said...

sounds like a fun day out scottie, I love the handsome picture of you doing most boring and annoying trick ever. I have to do that one sometimes too... stupid trick.

Beverly's Secret said...

Haha... I bet he had a lot of fun!!!

Kari in Alaska said...

Those are some super cute girls!

Don't forget, we've moved to

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Thanks fur sharing such a great gathering of khanines and humans!

Pawesome news about Kenji too!


White Dog Blog said...

What a great need to convince mom to go out to the Park and dinner more often! There were lots of cuties there, you handsome boy! You are always such a thoughtful gentleman when out and about...your mom should be proud of your manners.

Lorenza said...

Sure you had a pawesome time there with your doggie friends!
I loved the slideshow!
Glad to know Kenji is doing so well!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Diana Chiew said...

Oooh....those puppies!! The humans said we are not allowed to go to the park just yet...not even without the puppies!! Looks like you have so much fun and we have never been to those two places. Let me shout out to Mum...HEY MUMMY! WHEN CAN WE GO TO THE PARK AND LA CASTLE???

Pepper's Mom said...

Hey Scottie Kor-Kor, nice knowing you that day too, we sure do had great fun (it would be better if the little ones don't bully me so much :p) ^^ Ask your Mummy bring you out more for gathering, we'll be waiting for you at the park every Saturday evening ooo ^^

C ya...*flying kisses*!

White Dog Blog said...

You know, Scottie, Mikki is kind of cute...and I think she has a crush on you. You can tell by the way she looks at you in the photos!

Agatha and Archie said...

Wow are you the ladies man or what?! Love A+A

Dewey Dewster said...

Hi ya Scottie....

Ya sure get ta socialize a lot there....even goin' ta restaurants with special doggie those girlies really look cute....I can tell ya that the first thing we do is get a sniff too...I mean how else do ya know who yer lookin' at? Could be an imposter....I rest my case....

Dewey Dewster here....

Dewey Dewster said...

Oh Yeah...fergot...glad Kenji is back ta normal....hope he stays that way....

Dewey Dewster here....

JD and Max said...

Hiya Scottie,

Hey, you lucky, lucky pup! One handsome chap amongst so many pretty ladies - gosh, we so WISH we were there too! And so did our FH and MH - they read and re-read this post and got all nostalgic over their trip to KL in February and remembered how much they enjoyed their meal at the steamboat place where you all met up! Gosh, they can't wait to visit again - they're even talking about possibly going back next year.

Anyway, what a great time you all had. We're so pleased you get to have such good fun, we loved seeing you in the park. Don't worry - we get kept on-lead at certain times too - sigh!!

Oh, and we're so pleased that Kenji is back to his old self. Way to go Kenji! Although the odd 'relapse' from time to time is a good way to score additional treats - he he he!!

Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

Huskee and Hershey said...

What a fun outing Scottie!!! I bet you had a fab time sniffing bum bums and playing with your friends.. (btw your friend Miki looks pretty cute..).

Glad that Kenji's back to his usual self!!

Huskee and Hershey said...

What a fun outing Scottie!!! I bet you had a fab time sniffing bum bums and playing with your friends.. (btw your friend Miki looks pretty cute..).

Glad that Kenji's back to his usual self!!

White Dog Blog said...

Hi Scottie,
At least your Postal Service knows you are part of your COUNTRY! It is amazing that people from my own land do not even know the names of all of our states! Oh well, human stuff, right? Hope you are having a wonderful week! We are going to the mountains this weekend!

Moco said...

Always nice to have an outing. You should be able to have more. Tell your mom to get busy and make some more treats for those outings.

Meg Taylor said...

Oh what a beautiful schnauzer! <3