Hello everyone!
I just had quite a weekend, so I hope you all had a great weekend too! First off, Mom went shopping with Gramma a couple of days ago, and she saw that buffalo meat was on SALE!! WOOHOOO! She said it's much MUCH cheaper than beef or pork, so she got hold of...I watched her as she was cutting and bagging the meat into portions for me...and she let me have a teensy bit to taste! As you can see, I worked out some serious drooling...see my wet beard?
This is what the freezer looked like after all the bagging...of course, this is not the result of only two slabs of meat, but other yummy stuff that Mom and Gramma bought during the shopping trip, like beef, lamb and chicken. Gramma said that Mom might have to get a separate meat freezer for me,coz it's been taking too much space! (Gramma has two fridges...this is the smaller one where she keeps all the fruits and veggies, while the other one is a bigger one for other stuff) Don't know when THAT will happen though...
*sigh* It's sad that I only get THIS much of the buffalo meat for my meal the next day. I wanted more buffalo! But Mom said it's important we start slow so that I don't get 'cannon butt' when I do my poopies...oh well! My poopies were okay though...no sign yet of that plastic cow head that I ate. =P
When that's done, the buffalo meat goes! Sad to say, it only took me two chews to get it down. I hope I get more buffalo meat next! I can't savour it enough to give a rating...
On another note, I got a spiffy cool award from my new lady Schnauzer pals, Lady, Zena and their brother Cody!Thank you so much for the award! I am so honored...=) To pass this along, I would like to give it to Noah and his sisters, Mango the maltese, Petra, BWTH house, and Moco!
Saturday Sharing
17 hours ago
34 paws to this post!:
w00f's Scottie, dat food looks yummmies...heehee makin me drool too...congrats on ur award...
b safe,
Bon appétit Scottie ! Miam miam I love this diet .... Did you try chicken necks ? And oxtail ?....I am happy that everything is going well with the barf....
Kisses, Faya
Dear Scottie
We eat better than our mum and it sounds like you are going to be the same. Except for bones, Hobson and me don't eat meat a lot coz it upsets Rose's tummie. Mum adopted Rose 2 years ago and she adopted me 10 months later. Rose has always had a sensitive tummie. I can eat anything tho. We all love our natural diet, and our horses eat a natural diet too.
Thank you very much for wanting to put the Stormy Mission button on your blog. This button links to Stormy's Orders which links to the Home Page of Beau's website. Mum designed Beau's website but she is not a website designer so she knows very little. She discovered recently that Google uses links to the Home Page of websites to rank websites. So, by displaying the Stormy Mission button on your blog, you are not only helping us spread the word about Beau, you are also helping Beau's website to get better ranked on Google. This means that when hoomans use certain search words e.g. 'stolen dog', Beau's website will hopefully show on the first page of the Google search.
Love from Hammer
Buffalo meat? That's so pawsome... I hope you enjoy your yummy meal
~ Girl girl
Mmmmm! That buffalo meat looks delicious!
Congrats on your award!
Love and licks
Buffalo meat? Awesome!! It looks yummy-licious.. ** licks lips **
Oh yay! Buffalo meat!!! I bet it tastes much nicer than any other meat especially chicken meat. Bloody meat is very important becoz it contains zinc & some other stuff. So try & eat moe of bloody meat more than chicken meat. You're getting more nutrients from it, definitely!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Gosh, that looks really tasty. Not sure we can get buffalo in Britain though.
Toodle pip
Harry x
Congratulations for your award Scottie!
That chicken looks yummy hmmmm... i don't know why I've started drooling in front of chickie muajajaja!
Happy puuurrsss Scottie!
We've never seen buffalo meat here. It looks pretty tasty though. Sounds like it's going well with your barf diet.
Thanks so much for passing the I love your blog award onto us and a big congrats to you too.
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
We can barely type this because there is so much drool on the keyboard..love A+A
You've got a very cute drool, Scottie! I'm glad you like your new food and that you're adjusting okay.
Congrats on the award, and thank you for passing it onto me!
That is one awesome looking dinner. You are becoming quite the raw dude.
Thanks for the award. We enjoy your blog also.
Wow, I have never had buffalo. I love your drooly beard. You are adorable...Congratulations on your award, you deserve it
I got a ll dwooly lookig too, hehehe
So nice that you'we not getting sploding bumbum..it alllooks delicious
smoochie kisses
meats meats! :)
I love me some meats. But i usually get sick from it.
And the v-e-t says i really shouldn't have that much.
Can be bad for us!
Funny yer gettin' ta eat buffalo meat....Gram 's friend was just tellin' her that they bought some buffalo meat fer themselves ta ea.....there's a buffalo farm near our cottage...now if we could just get there ourselves 'n try it out....we could let 'em know of it was any good fer 'em......sounds like yours was good.....
Dewey Dewster here.....
Hi, Scottie!
OMD! That buffalo meat looks delicious! I am sure you are enjoying your raw food a lot!
Congratulations on your Award!
Kisses and hugs
Oh man! That looks just so tasty!
My humans buy On Sale meat for me too. I wonder what kind of animal that comes from?
Congratulations on your award, Scottie!
That buffalo meat is making us drool! We've never had that before but we can only imagine how yummy it is!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Dropping by to say hello. Hope you had a good weekend.
Simba x
Hi, Scottie -
You are pretty lucky that you got to try buffalo meat.
Your beard looks just like ours when we drool or get it dirty. I (Hershey) like to eat dirt.
Congratulations on your award!
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Good evening scottie.
Is buffalo's meat delicious?
I though I have not eaten.
However, it keeps savory.
Congratulations on wonderful AWARD. :D
from loved ume tyan
That's a nice stash in your freezer, Scottie. I haven't tasted a buffalo yet, but you've given Ms. Alpha some ideas.
I also see that you work hard on your meaty bones...just like me. It's great to chomp and get those back molars pearly white.
Good Feastin'
hi Scottie, you were really drooling in that photo, we could see how wet your beard was. that looks like yummy buffalo meat. now we are gonna drool too. you sure are getting some yummy meals.
Scottie, your meat looks deeleesh! how many meals a day do you have?
Love George
Wow, Buffalo meat. We never get anything yummy like that :(
Maybe we can persuade our heron-cam to fly us over to your part of the world!!
Congratulations on your award!!
Jake and Just Harry
Buffalo meat! That's a first. Let us know how it taste after your second feed...
Congrats on your award.
i've never tried buffalo meat b4... u're making me feeling hungry now
am getting jealous of your delicious meal now. do you wanna share??
wet wet licks
Lookin good. Glad your mom has her priorities right and the freezer is full of foodables for your small and bearded self.
That meat certainly looked delicious, pity you could have had a little more.
Well done for receiving your award. We certainly Love your blog.
Molly and Taffy
Me only gets kibble to eat. You are very lucky. Does your moomie love you more than mine loves me?
Love Levi
Hi Scottie -
I'm Coco and I think you are so adorable. I also think that meat looks mighty darn good! I am drooling already, yum :)
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