Gramma's Bentos!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Turning Two The Nottie Scottie Way...*wink*

Hi everyone!

So sorry that I didn't go visiting your blogs this week...Mom has been bustling about a lot the past week! And all because...

It's my birthday today!! I am officially two years old now...yayy! I feel so grown up...*puffs chest* Because my birthday's on a Monday, Mom threw me a little 'paw-tea' yesterday (hence the running about to get stuff), and I enjoyed it LOADS! Here's how it all went down:

The yummy spread of food that Gramma and Mom prepared (and bought as well! heh!)

But the centerpiece of it all is MY BIRTHDAY CAKE! It's a meat cake! *grins* Mom made it herself, and she's feeling rather proud of herself coz it was her first time making a cake! I heart the 'Happy Birthday' candles...even though I think it's a bit too many candles to celebrate a 2-year-old birthday! *grins* We'll post up the recipe and how she came about with this cake in the next post...*wink*

Peanut butter cookies and tartlets for us as well! Those were not made though...LOLL! Mom bought them from a pet bakery blog. Yummy!

Me enjoying the 'sea' of food...heh!

And then it was time to light the candles! *grins*

Kenji joined in the festivities as well...*grins*

I got a little birthday song from Mom...albeit it being a bit out of tune, but hey it's the thought that counts right? LOL! We then blew out the candles (well, Mom did it!) and it was CAKE TIME! Yummy!

But first, we had to pose for photos...*sigh* I thought it's MY DAY, Mom!

After that, it was (FINALLY!) feasting time! Me getting a big bite of the meaty goodness...yumm!

Kenji licked off all the 'chocolate flakes' and the 'frosting' first before delving in...haha!

I finished mine in no time flat...and licked my bowl clean!

And then, I spied Kenji's bowl...OMG,he still has some there!

But I didn't eat his portion...I'm a good brother. *wink* Ooh...I forgot to mention, we got some raw turkey wings for dinner as well! I've not had turkey before, so it was a real treat! So yummy! And after that, Mom gave us some tartlets for dessert! But I have to do my silly trick again...

Lady got her share of the cake, tartlets and cookies too! But she was too quick for Mom's camera, so Mom had to do this to get her to stay still. But she's still so fast! LOL!

Finally, she got her wish and enjoyed her piece of cake too...heh!

After ALL that feasting (or should I say GORGING! LOL!) on the yummy food, it was present time! YAYY! Mom got us to pose next to each other, but it seems that Kenji wasn't a bit too happy. Wonder why...

Ripping off the wrapping paper... reveal new toys! YAYY! I got a new tug rope, a bottle of 'dog beer' (that squeaks! haha!) and a slipper-lookalike toy!

Mom got Kenji a new tug too! She said he should have one his own size...heh!

Kenji trying out his new's called a 'Flavor Rope'. Apparently, as we bite or chew on it, the rope releases some flavor. Kenji's was 'chocolate'..

...and mine was mint! *grins*

It was quite an eventful, tiring, but AWESOME day for me! Thanks Mom and Gramma for doing all this for me! I feel so blessed...*grins*


29 paws to this post!:

Aki and Poopie said...

oh scottie!!! happy barkday!!! that was a pawesome event! and your cake... oh my dog! it looks so yummy, how i wish we had a pet bakery here too, it would be soooooo cool!!!

your birthday rocked! happy 2 years buddy!

drooly kisses,

Aki and Poopie

Wei Qian said...

wishing you a happy barkday! i'm sure you had fun, especially with a table of goodies!

best regards

Diana Chiew said...

Happy Birthday to you Scottie! The cake looks mouth-watering, how does it taste? Good? I never had a birthday cake before. Yeah, do share the recipe so that Aunty Diana can bake one for me...hehehe...

Suzuki said...

Happy Borthday Scottie!
Big birthday licks to you

Boo Casanova said...

happy belated b'day!!! scottie, the reason why i ask if u train at central park was bcoz i went there y'day and i saw a MS... thought it was you. my mom couldn't recognise the owner. not sure if she's your mom.

anyway, just saw your thread of ruby's resort. mom and dad are planning to bring me and dopes too but she's changing job next week so she doesn't want to take leave. she is planning on the national day long weekend now.

wet wet licks


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy Barkday Khutie!

It soooo looks like your pawty was pawesome!

Evfurrything looked sooo yummy!

PeeEssWoo: I have one of those beer khan toys too!

Dexter said...

Happy birthday! A meat cake! WOW!

You were nice to share your foodables like that. I don't know if I would be as generous.


The Musketeers said...

Happy Birthday dear Scottie !
Wow, the caker look yummilicious !!! mmm~ any more leftovers ? BOL !

Jans Funny Farm said...

Wooooohooooo, when your mom throws a pawty, she really goes all out. What a yummy spread and fun presents.

Happy birthday to you-ooo.
Happy birthday to you-ooo.
Happy birthday 2-year-old Scottie-ooo.
Happy birthday to you-ooo.

Sorry about the howling but Buddy is a hound.

Duke said...

Happy birthday, Scottie! What an awesome spread! We'll be right over!
We just love the picture of you with the tart on your nose! awwwwwwwwww

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Simba and Jazzi said...

Just dropping by to say hello and catch up with your blog.

Simba and Jazzi xx

White Dog Blog said...

Happy, happy Barkday, Scottie, my friend! May you celebrate many more and may the coming year be filled with love, treats, and good adventures! The food and party looked great...your family REALLY loves you! Enjoy the new toys.

Asta said...

Happy,Happy Biwfday!!!!! to you!!!!!!
It looks like youw Mom gave you a faboolous second Biwfday pawty..that cake and tawt looked amazing! and I coyld tell how delicious it was fwom youw clean licked bowl. Kenji and Lady suwe benefited fwom youw Biwfday too, heheheheh
Youw toys awe gweat and I hope you have loads of fun playing wif them.
Enjoy youw day to the fullest, and many , many mowe!
smoochie kisses

Fred said...

Happy birthday! Looks like you had a great one!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Scottie! You got some pawsome pressies! I especially like the tasty ropes!

Sniffs and licks,


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Wow, I am glad my mom had time for me to come by today!! Happy birthday to you! You look so cute with that tart balancing on your nose. HOpe you are having a great day!

Agatha and Archie said...

Happy Birthday!! Man does your Mom know how to throw a party!!!! We loved the picture of Kenji sitting on the chair at the table with you!!!!! lvoe A+A

Ebi n' Emma said...

OoOopSieeee! We are lateeeeeeeeeee! *blush*

Nevertheless.. here it goes;-

Happy barkday to YOU,
Happy barkday to YOU,
Happy barkday to SCOTTIE,
Happy barkday to YOUuuuuuuuu~!!

Whoa, the cake sure looked declicious! We wished we were there to share the cake with you! Hurhur^^

Love ya loads, Scottie!

Ebi & Emma

Lorenza said...

Happy Birthday Scottie!
I can see you had a pawesome celebration!
All that food and the cake and the presents! Wow!
Glad you enjoyed them!
Kisses and hugs

Twinkle a.k.a Chicken Little said...

Happy belated barkday Scottie!!! You are big boy now. OMdoG, look at that yummylicious cake, I bet its paw licking good. But that piece of cake in Kenji's bowl is obviously too much for him. Haha, I dont mind helping him to finish it.

slurpy licks,

Li June said...

Aiyoo.. Didnt know u got a bday party or else I would have crash ur party with my mum!

2nd aiyoo.. the food looked really really good.. yum yum..

Happy Birthday, Nottie Scottie! :)

See u soon!


♪Tobi♪ said...

u luckie scottie!!! i hope u had a great time!!


ur meat cake look DELISH!! mommy has GOT to make me that on MY bday!! hehe

♪Tobi♪ said...

u luckie scottie!!! i hope u had a great time!!


ur meat cake look DELISH!! mommy has GOT to make me that on MY bday!! hehe

The Oceanside Animals said...

Wow, that was quite a spread! Happy birthday!

Beverly's Secret said...

Hi sis,

1st of all, Happy birthday to Scottie!!! I bet grandma definitely thinks this is a little over the top... Kekeke...
Scottie's birthday cake is sooooo lovely!!! I would probably copy your recipe for Miyaki's birthday on next year :p

So good to hear from you!!! Stay in touch and see you around ;)

p/s: I think IAMS dog foods are different in US, chicken and beef are the main ingredients here. But I would love to try other brands that you recommended when he grows older. And, I'll remove his chews as soon as he enters training schl (6 months old) ;) Thanks for the helpful tips!!!

You want the Wubba toys? I can help you on that... Check out this website, they have awesome pup toys

and feel free to email me anytime at

Amber-Mae said...

Woah! What a celebration!

Solid Gold Dancer

Beverly's Secret said...

Scottie and Kenji look super cute in the pictures!!!

Lady seems abandoned. Where's her bowl?

Eric said...

happy birthdayyyyyy!!!!!

sorry a bit late ya.. hehehe

Fatty, Stephy & Ally

erin said...

Happy belated birthday, Scottie! Your party looks like it was totally pawesome! Isn't food just the greatest thing ever?! I love the meat cake!
PS Your mom always takes great pictures of you and Kenji!