Gramma's Bentos!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It's All About The Food...

This post is dedicated to Gramma, coz of her fabulous cooking skills and dedication to serve the family scrumptious food (which now spoils us to the point that we compare other people's cooking to hers...o.O") Why you ask?

Recently, she found a new interest: Kyaraben Bento, also known as Character Japanese Lunch Boxes. So interested, that she would wake up extra early to prepare some cute yet VERY delicious lunch boxes for Rachel and Mom. Case in point:

Gramma's first attempt for Mom's lunch box...some rice balls, sausages and assorted meats with fruits on the side *wink*. It doesn't really have the character thingy just yet, but there were some cute carrot cutouts (complete with sesame seeds for eyes o.O) and pretty looking sausages...*drools* Mom doesn't mind having cute stuff for lunch, coz they are healthy and tastes yummy!

Gramma got a little elaborate for Rachel though, since Rachel ADORES looking at cute stuff and being envied by her classmates in school about her pretty lunch box!

See? Even the leftovers got the lunch box eh?

This was Gramma's second attempt for gets prettier and prettier *grins*

And this was Mom's lunch box...yummy!

Some close-ups on the yummy food...stir fried vegetables on a pretty flower-shaped tomato!

And the 'teddy bear' just waiting to be eaten...LOL! It had raisins for the eyes and nose..heh!

On behalf of Mom and Rachel, I'd like to say 'ARIGATO GRAMMA!' *grins* Keep on the lookout for more yummy-looking lunch boxes from Gramma in this space...*wink*


Today is also my Gotcha Day! YAYYY! I can't believed it's already 2 years since I was here at my beloved home...Mom did a little something for my Gotcha Day (since she missed out on my first year, so this year she did something...heheheh!)

AAAANNNNNDDDD...that's not all! She made some *ahem* treats for me too, but according to her they turned out to be a big disaster...*rolls eyes* Trust Mom to make a big blunder out of simple dog treat recipes...will post more about that in my next entry. Until then, here's a sneak peek:

Apologies for not visiting YET AGAIN...>.<" Been reading your blogs, but haven't got time to post up comments since I have so many to catch up on! Will do that ASAP...Scottie's honor! *grins*


22 paws to this post!:

Lacy said...

w00f's,, food looks yummy, me loves the smiley faces..and a happy gotcha day to u...hope u gets lots of toys and treats and u has many many more, gotcha days..

b safe,

Noah the Airedale said...

Gosh Scottie, your gramma certainly goes to lots of trouble for those lunchboxes. They look fantastic. Will she be making you some of those cute bites for your dog bowl?
Happy gotcha day !!!!!

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Huskee and Hershey said...

Happy Gotcha Day Scottie!!
Mmmmm.. the pics of those lunchboxes made us salivate on the keyboard... actually mom thinks that those foodables are too cute to be eaten! Your grandma is really creative... hopefully you and Kenji will get to try them out too. :)

Diana Chiew said...

aww...I would love to have one of those lunchboxes....*drool*

The Oceanside Animals said...

Those little sushi faces are very cute!

Fred said...

YUM...and you were a very cute puppy.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

It is almost lunchtime here and Mom is drooling all over herself!

WOW! Grrrreat and yummy work!


Woo are a special pup!


Thoughts said...

Hi Scottie!

We think those are the coolest looking lunches we have ever seen! WOW!! amazing! What a cool Gramma you have:)

We want to also thank you sincerely for stopping by our blog so often the last few weeks and leaving your words of support and prayers. It really means a lot to us and we hope to be new friends with you! We are going to add you to our Blogroll! Thanks again, and we're sending big hugs and kisses and wags,

Benson and Gibson

Wei Qian said...

wow, the bento looks really beautiful! Too beautiful to be eaten! i'm starting to drool ...

best regards

Duke said...

Happy gotcha day, Scottie!
Your gramma is fabulous at making incredibly fun lunches!
We think your ScottieLolly is cute and it looks pretty yummy to us!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Hi, Scottie!
Those luchboxes are pawesome! Your Grandma is an artist with the food!
Happy Gotcha Day!
Kisses and hugs

Bae Bae said...

Happy gotcha day Scottie. And what pawsome looking food there. I bet your mom and Rachel will love the food

~ Bae

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Your granny's bento boxes look fabulous. And so do her leftovers.

Happy gotcha day!!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Anonymous said...

that looks delicious...
your grandma are great ~~


erin said...

My girl loves bento. She wishes my grandma wasn't such a picky eater because then should could make bento lunches for her to take to work. Your grandma is doing a great job with her bento boxes. Your mom and aunt are so lucky.
PS Happy Gotcha Day!

erin said...

My girl loves bento. She wishes my grandma wasn't such a picky eater because then should could make bento lunches for her to take to work. Your grandma is doing a great job with her bento boxes. Your mom and aunt are so lucky.
PS Happy Gotcha Day!

Petra said...

Some of my favorite toys are teddy bears, but your grandma's teddy bear beats any that I have!

Happy Gotcha Day, Scottie!

You are one special guy!

Pedro said...


My mom's name is Rachel too! Do you think your Gramma would make my mom a character lunch box cause she was sure drooling when she read this post! Your Gramma is definitely a great cook!!!


Moco said...

Happy Gotcha Day. maybe your gramma should make you some treats. Those are good looking lunches.

Lady Kaos said...

Happy gotcha day!!!
Do you think your grandma could make us some of those cool lunch box meals, too? Those look great!

ocmist said...

My Mom wants your Gramma to come visit us! She loves food like that and so cutely creative, too!

Happy Gotcha day to you, too!

The Country Corgi Crew

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hapy Gotcha Day, Scottie!

Love -

Hershey and Kaci