Gramma's Bentos!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

'Swimming' a sense of the word

Hah...I'm guessing you would already know what we're standing in front of judging by the title of my post! *wink*

Yes, it's our own swimming pool! Well, more of a wading pool for me, coz it is not long enough to actually swim in...*shrugs*

Rachel can't believe that we actually have our own swimming pool...hehe!

I'm checking it out as well...see that it got inflated properly, and the water's filling in nicely.

Kenji didn't really understand the fuss of it all...

He even got a bit nervous...traumatized too much from our trip to Ruby's?

Meanwhile, I'm still waiting....bored face intended.

After a while, I got to go in! But, it seems pretty weird compared to the beach...why is the water not moving so much?

Kenji got 'thrown in' too...haha!

I guess the water was a bit too much for him...he's REALLY short, ya know?

Until he had to do this to stay afloat! LOL!

Me? I'm just chilling...but still wouldn't budge so much...this new water thingy is kind of making me feel awkward!

And then...Rachel jumped in for a dip as well! YAYY!

Kenji was SOOO happy there's a 'life buoy' around, he quickly swam...

...and climbed ON TOP of Rachel to get out from the water! Tsk tsk tsk...and to think he was so macho about it and all!

After a while, it started to drizzle outside and it got a wee bit cold, so we got out...=) The pool's still here though! I hope to get in again for a dip soon...heh!

I know I promised some videos of the trials, but the connection's being IMPOSSIBLE these days! GRRR! Somehow only photos got uploaded...maybe coz their sizes are teensy. Oh well, I'm still trying...once I get it uploaded,you'll be the first to know! *wink*


21 paws to this post!:

billiejean said...

Hi, you are enjoying yourself very much! You are a lucky dog...

Billie Jean

Suzuki said...

It looks like you are really enjoying your pool!
We have our own pool too, I prefer to swim in Mum and Dads though BOL
Big licks to you

Bae Bae said...

So cool that you get a pool to chill in. :)

~ Bae

Wei Qian said...

Wow, its so cool to have your own cool! :] hmm, i guess maybe you could ask your humans to create some waves for your :DD

best regards

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

I LOVE your kiddie pool!
Looking at you three enjoying the pool that make my day( Kenji shows a little enjoy-less, hehe but the picture of him trying to stay afloat is super cute!)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a fun time woo had!

Tank woo fur sharing it with us!


Nancy at the Farm said...

We love your pictures! Too cold for our wading pool just yet but makes us long for the warmer weather so we can plunk around in the water!

Dozer, Dottie and Cooper

Fred said...

Wow! Glad you had fun, but that looks like a giant bath to me! Scary!

Fenway said...

That's a nice DEEP wading pool and you both look so refreshed!

We can't wait for the photos of your trial.

Your pal,

Amber-Mae said...

What an impressive pool you got there! My hoomans used to buy us the inflated types of pools but each time we puncture holes in them so they decide to buy the plastic ones instead. Hehe! Should make it deeper than more fun mah...

Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer

sarah said...

oh my scottie!!! that looks like so much fun. maybe i can get mommy to get me one of those in the summer time! *crosses paws*


Lady Kaos said...

It's still too cold for a pool here. my old pool got a hole in it so Mom and Dad have to buy me a new one this year. I can't wait for pool season!!

Us4 Cats said...

Hi there!!

we are new to your blog. first visit.

the swimming idea looks so much fun, yay!!
you guys look like you had a great time in there.

at our blog we are 4 gatos and a PUG who gets to post on occasion : )

White Dog Blog said...

Your own sounds like a movie star life, Scottie!

Huskee and Hershey said...

The prints on the side of your pool is so cute! It's like you are in the middle of a big aquarium!! Hmmm.. don't think Kenji enjoyed himself much!!
Have a great weekend (hopefully you'll get to swim again)

Diana Chiew said...

Scottie, your pool seems more fun then mine since it's deeper. Mine is just knee-deep and what's more with Beckham, who is so much taller than me. But we did enjoy ourselves too!

Asta said...

That is the best looking pool, and big enuff fow youw hooman sissie too??that's vewy cool..Pwetty soon I'll be wishing I had one, when it gets hot hewe
smoochie kisses
pee ess Rachel is a doll

Simba and Jazzi said...

That looks like great fun!

Have a great weekend.

Simba and Jazzi xxx

Duke said...

What a pretty swimming pool! Kenji doesn't look like he's having to much fun! Maybe it will just take him time to get used to it!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Laurie, Woo's Editor said...

poor Kenji... love the wet look on you tho scottie!

Raising Addie said...

OMD how fun!!!

that is a wonderful swimming pool!

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie