Gramma's Bentos!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

My list of 10 things...

Huskee & Hershey gave me the letter 'D' for this game, so here is my list of 10 things that I absolutely LUURRRRVVVE that starts with 'D' (I hope it's not too boring! *wink*):

1. Being a Dad / Daddy!
Okay, this is so totally not a real photo, but this is what I would imagine it to be when I go visit Jetty and the pups (only I'm sure the pups are much bigger by then, and some of them would look like me...heh!)

2. Drool!
The cause of all anguish to Mom...she had quite a bad time trying to get me all dry and non-drooly, but I can't help it! I love the feeling of a wet beard, especially when there's a breeze...ahh, so cooling! *wink*

3. Get Distracted, and here I would add:
4. Disobey my Mom
I can't help this too, but once you're out with doggie friends, it's quite hard to 'get your head in the game' of obedience...which is why I failed my Novice exams that day. *sigh* I'm still (well, Mom is mostly!) working on it, so cross paws I won't fail again in my next exam!

5. Duck treats!
This is the pressie that Mom got for me after her India trip! She didn't get it from India, but it's oh so yummy! It's made from yummy duck meat, and cod fish and sweet potato....*licks lips*

6. Doing tricks!
I love doing this mostly because there are T-R-E-A-T-S involved...hehe! That's me doing the 'Leave It' trick, with guess what? The Duck Treat on my nose! hehe!

7. Playing Dress Up!
Okay, this is more of MOM loving it, but I still like to entertain her...and ham it up for the camera too! Plus, each time I did good, I get my share of hugs, kisses, and yes, TREATS! LOL! This is my new Adidas t-shirt that Aunty Jane gave me all the way from the fact that it's a sleeveless one, perfect for the hot weather!

8. My New Dumbell!
This is my new 'training' toy...Gramma and Mom have been trying to teach me to Hold it (which I now know...YAYY!) and walk with it (still working on it!) without dropping it...I love the shiny yellow color, and although it's heavy, it gives me jaws a good workout..*wink*

9. De-stress!
I do this by playing with Josty after all that training...with my legs up high in the air! *grins* It's so liberating to roll around and chew on Josty...Kenji likes to join me sometimes! I'll show you what happened to Josty in my next post. heh!

And last, but not least...
10. My Doggie (and Kitty, and Hammie) friends!!! *grins*
If it weren't for the DWB, I don't think I would have met so many friends from all around the world...=) Thanks for letting me be a part of this community...I have truly enjoyed my time in blogging! *grins*

Well, that's all from me today...=) Hope you enjoyed my list! If you want to play this game too, please feel free to let me know and I'll pass on a letter to you! *wink*


48 paws to this post!:

Coco Bean - The Princess said...

Hi Scottie! May i please have a letter? I would like to play too :)

Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses

Coco - The Princess

The Musketeers said...

Great list you have Scottie ! Thats a very nice family photo you have right on top (:


Asta said...

I love youw list..that was the pawfect lettew..I bet youw kids will all be bootiful and look a lot like you..that twick you do is vewy clevew..I can't balnce tweats..I just want to eat them hehehe
smoochie kisses

Lacy said...

w00f's Scottie, ur list of d's wuz pawfect..and me likes u toooo...

b safe,

Huskee and Hershey said...

Great answers Scottie!! 0h, and I am real impressed by your ticks!!

Maggie said...

look at the duck treat!!
it looks so yummy :D
can i have one?

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh you must be strong to be able to lift the dumb bell. That's a pawsome D list. ;)

~ Girl girl

Cocoa the Beagle said...

The duck treat looks good! We often disobey mum too when we are outside. Mum says we simply turn a deaf ear at her. We can't help it you know... we are really busy butt sniffing other dogs!

Cocoa and Barley

Amber-Mae said...

Great answers Scottie! Oh, I didn't know you train at Hee! Sorry to hear that you failed your exam but better luck next time! We have those treats too. Mommy just opened the new bag & when I got a whiff of it, I was crazee about it! We each got one. It was oh sooo tasty!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Raising Addie said...

You have a wonderful list Scottie!

I LOVE that you can hold a treat on your nose like that!

Your mom is so smart to teach you all of those cool tricks!

We're lucky we found you, friend!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...



Nancy at the Farm said...

Hi Nottie Scottie!

We love your name and your blog! Mum has to go to work but she will read the rest of your blog at lunch time. Thanks for stopping by our blog and for introducing yourself :) We love to meet new friends!

Love, Dozer, Dottie and Cooper

Coco Bean - The Princess said...

I'm going to do my best...ill let you know when im done

Duke said...

What a great D list, Scottie! We wish we could taste your duckie treats!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lady Kaos said...

The letter game is tons of fun!!! Great job!

Snowy and Crystal said...

what a great list Scottie ;)

Petra said...

D is a great letter for you, Scottie. And guess which one I like best? DADDY, of course!

Simba and Jazzi said...

That is a lot of D's. Sounds like a very busy day.

Simba x

Moco said...

That is a great list for the letter D. You really put thought into your answers.

Winnie Woo said...

Great job with the tricks and treats Scottie. You were so clever to come up with 10 things, I don't know if I'd be able to do it, and I know I can't balance stuff on my snout!
Winnie Woo

Isis said...

we'd love to try the challenge! and it means lots more pictures of me!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Scottie!
You have a great D list! Being a Daddy sure is pawesome!
I am so happy to be your friend!
Kisses and hugs

The Musketeers said...

She sure look good after removing that ' THING ' & after a nice bathe .
Haha , ya , we're done with the cards , as we were worried we can't do finish in time . But , yeah we are done ! :D
Thanks Scottie . haha , big day ? BOL xP

Lots of Loves ,
Three Musketeers

The Musketeers said...

OH ~ that big day ! haha .
Hope your mom & you can finish it up on time (:
You have a pawsome weekend too !

Lots of Loves ,
Three Musketeers

Aki and Poopie said...

hello there Scottie!

you have a wonderful set of D's there. we are especially intrigued about that duck treat.. i don't think those are being sold here in the Philippines.

drooly kisses,


pee-ees. we'd love to be your friend. (i especially like schnauzers bec. my brother Prof. heinz is one) can we add you up so we can visit you more often? thanks

Stanislaw said...

That's a great list. I like the letter D for another reason too...

DOG starts with it!!

Dewey Dewster said...

NOw that was a big list of "D"s fer sure and ya did a great job....Gram wishes we would get inta obedience and then chance of that happenin' while she's still around....better give up on obedience ferever.....

Dewey Dewster here.....

A&S said...

yummm those duck treats look delicious and they are making me drool even i would do tricks for some delicious duck treats! i used to chase the ducks when i went for walks by a pond when i lived in maryland with the sis but she never let me catch them....grrr


Noah the Airedale said...

Hiya Scottie,
Good answers matie but we can't believe you would disobey your mum hee hee.

Noah x

umekotyan said...

Good evening scottie.
A lovely photograph of Dress up is a bold acting.
And, I am also the same as scottie, and we wish always to express our
gratitude to the friend of DWB.
A wonderful weekend with a happy friend. :D

from loved ume tyan

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Hi Scottie,
Thanks for coming by my blog! It is very nice to meet you. I like you list a lot. My brother wants to know about those duck treats.....
Hope to see you again soon!
--JB and Bear

Bogart H. Devil said...

So super sweet!!!!!!!!!! I love your pictures :)


The Black and Tans. said...

D is definitley the right letter for you D-addy!! hee heee.

We loved your list.

Hope you are having a grrreat weekend.

Molly and Taffy

Dexter said...

Doing tricks? That looks like hard work.


Agatha and Archie said...

hee hee hee drool...GOOD ONE!!! Love A+A

Pedro said...


Great job on the ten list! I've got the letter T if my mom EVER gets around to doing it!!!! Hope you had a nice weekend!


Boo Casanova said...

scottie, how was your weekend? i have a tiring one.

guess what? mom got me the same omega treats too. mine was salmon. but mom said it's kinda expensive and might not buyin me again. :(

wet wet licks


April said...

I love your list, Scottie!

Wiggles and Woofs,

Juno said...

Well done, Scottie!!! Duck treat and Omega treat sound GOOOOOOD to us!!

Jetty's puppies are so adorable! Please keep us updated about these little ones!

Momo & Pinot

Hammer said...

Hi Scottie
These are beautiful photos of you. Your mum would not want to live with my brother, Hobson .. he is the drool king !!
Sorry it has taken me so long to respond to your comment. There is no time for me to blog right now.
The heron is still sticking around. Mum has named her/him "Sam". Thank you for caring about Khomet and Beau too. This means a lot to us.
Love from Hammer

The Musketeers said...

haha , but at least you caught up with us ! Sissy is finally back Scottie ! We missed you , although its only for a short while (:

Loves & kisses ,
Three Musketeers

umekotyan said...

Good evening scottie.
I had made a mistake in the setting of the comment.
Thank you for teaching. :)
It corrected it at once.

from loved ume tyan

The Musketeers said...

Yeah , she is finally back home ! Gee , I can't wait to listen to her story when she is up tomorrow ! She is sleeping so soundly that no matter how hard daddy & mummy call her , she don't respond . BOL ! Sissy isn't a good netball player too . Ooops . Yeap , at least they try :D

Loves & Kisses ,
Three Musketeers

Snowy and Crystal said...

Hey Scottie

In few minutes we will be traveling to somewhere new...exciting, fun and romantic ^_^

can you guess where will we be?

White Dog Blog said...

Scottie, those duck treats are my absolute favorites! Does your mom know that the company also makes tuna ones that are as yummy delicious? When Steve brings THOSE to agility class Buster tries to follow us through the course just so he gets treats! hehe

About my zoomies crash: I am ok. Mom thought she felt a bump and want to put ice on it but I kept trying to eat the ice so she finally gave up and gave it to me to chew on. Plus I got LOTS of attention and treats all night.

Fred said...

Cool list and nice use of the alphabet! (I love playing dress up, too!)

Coco Bean - The Princess said...

Hey Scottie! Where have you been? Miss ya!

Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,

Coco - The Princess

Anonymous said...

soooooooooooooooooo cute