Gramma's Bentos!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Walk Down Memory Lane #2

Hello again!

Let's take another walk down the Memory Lane of Scottie the 'Cutie', shall we? hee...

This time, Mom managed to borrow a friend's camera to snap some lovely photos of, guess who? ME!! *grins* I sad that we don't have a camera. Mom is working on it,she says. As I type this in now, she is planning to get one this month! So, you'll be able to see more of moi in action and in clearer pictures too! But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let' start our little stroll now, shall we?

Here is one of me looking absolutely shocked, yet so very cute and nonchalant in this 'too-much-flash-it's-so-bright' picture.

Ahh..there we go! Not so much flash now. But I think it's too much for me at the moment. Need to catch a few Zzzz's first.

A little close-up action with the camera. Gosh...I'm good at this posing thing! At such a young age too! I could be a model sometime soon...*wink*

See? Poster material, no? Complete with a look that will melt anybody's heart...heh!

Me looking like a little carpet doggie...teehee!

Boy, all these posing makes me so very tired! (Even though all I do is lie here...)

Mom tried to coax me to get up, but to no avail....I guess I can't be a model after all.

Go away, Mom! Can't you see I'm tired?! These pupparazzi thingys sure don't quit!

Okay, okay! One last picture to keep Mom from shouting at me....hehe! Nah, she never did shout at me. How can she when I'm looking like this? *grins*

Well, that concludes our little walk down the Memory Lane of Scottie the 'Cutie'. Tune in soon as we take another stroll down Memory Lane. This time, I'll be in charge of a ship! (Well, sort of!)


5 paws to this post!:

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

hey buddy,

welcome to - it is great to meet you, and I am sure you will make lots of new friends here :)



Stanislaw said...

Sorry I'm late in responding to your comment on my blog. I'd love to help you start your raw feasting! It does require lots of research before you start, so make sure your human does his/her homework. But once that's done the best bit of advice my humans have to give is to put all that new info to use and go for it! It can seem totally overwhelming at the start, but it gets easier, I promise!

Let me know how it goes!

Stanislaw said...

Hi again! I just read your comment~
Read carefully about mixing kibble and raw food. It can actually exacerbate sensitive tummy issues to an extreme. And it is often recommended to never mix bone-in meats with kibble in the same meal, as it can cause improper digestion. We made the switch suddenly, which actually can lesson a rough intro period and is recommended by many. Digestive enzymes help considerably during the switch for sensitive pups. All this info is in my blog.

If your person needs more convincing, have them check out the "benefits of raw" label in my sidebar. It made a world of difference for Pupi and me!

Good luck!

Duke said...

You are just adorable, Scottie! We're Maggie and Mitch, the Airedales! We'll be back!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Bogart H. Devil said...

Hi Scottie!!!

You're such a cutie pie! Mama LOVES your eyebrows!!!

You're my first mini Schnauzer pal - nice to meet you!

Big Aire Kisses,